Ixtlan Forum history
For the past 20 years, the company Ixtlan Forum d.o.o. has been involved in supporting companies when it comes to preparing and conducting General Meetings of shareholders. We help our clients throughout their entire process, from counselling to the final technical implementation of the General Meeting. We have established a cooperation with various companies, from the smallest ones to the largest Slovenian enterprises, banks, and insurance companies.
Among others, the following companies trust us with the implementation of their General Meetings for several years: Krka, Petrol, NLB, Gorenje, Zavarovalnica Triglav, Mercator, and many others.
We were also the first company to have digitized the process of voting held during General Meetings. Instead of paper-based voting ballots, we have developed a wireless voting system; throughout the years, we set the standard of how General Meetings are implemented in Slovenia.
Due to perceived needs of the market, we have specialized in the field of digitizing the work of managing bodies in the recent years. Based on several years of development and research, we have developed the most efficient digitization solution for the work process of the Supervisory Body, of the Management Board sessions, and of the support bodies.
We help Management Boards, supervisors, executive directors and secretaries perform their work in a quicker, easier, and more efficient manner. The largest gain can be observed in big companies, banks, and insurance companies, especially when it comes to different companies functioning within a group.